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Implementation Guide - Vehicle Damage Assignment Add
Populate the data you wish to transfer for the best results of your implementation, here is an example of a Vehicle Damage Assignment Add Message.
Data Dictionary References
Section 4
Common Elements and Aggregates
Section 3
The hyperlinks in the Type Colum will help you navigate to the Aggregates and messages.
<ctrl> click on hyperlink will take you to the Aggregate
<alt> and back arrow will take you back to hyperlink
Data Dictionary Help
Section 2
Describes the architecture behind the schemas. This includes definitions, data types, building blocks, naming conventions, and versioning.
Test Instance
Data Recommendations
Aggregate | Aggregate or Element | Usage |
<RqUID> | Required | |
<DocumentInfo> | Required | |
<BMSVer> | Required; must be populated with a value from the BMS Version Code List. | |
<DocumentType> | Required; must be populated with a value from the Document Type Code List. | |
<DocumentID> | Recommended | |
< VendorCode> | Recommended; must be populated with a value from the Vendor Code List. | |
<CreateDateTime> | Recommended | |
<DocumentInfo> / <DocumentVer> | Recommended | |
<DocumentVerCode> | Required; must be populated with a value from the Document Version Code List. | |
<DocumentVerNum> | Required | |
<EventInfo> | Required, but all data under the aggregate is optional | |
<AdminInfo> | Required, but all data under the aggregate is optional | |
<InsuranceCompnay> | Recommended; See Party for more details | |
<Owner> | Recommended; See Party for more details | |
<RepairFacility> | Recommended; See Party for more details | |
<VehicleLocationSite> | Recommended; See Party for more details | |
<Adjuster> | Recommended; See Party for more details | |
<ClaimInfo> | Required; <ClaimInfo>,<OrderInfo>, and/or <FleetInfo> are options. For this example, we will use <ClaimInfo> . | |
<ClaimNum> | Recommended | |
<ClaimInfo> / <PolicyInfo> | Recommended | |
PolicyNum | Recommended | |
PolicyType | Recommended; must be populated with a value from the Policy Type Code List. | |
<ClaimInfo> / <LossInfo> | Recommended | |
TotalLossInd | Recommended | |
<ClaimInfo> / <LossInfo> / <Facts> | Recommended | |
LossDateTime | Recommended | |
LossDescCode | Recommended; must be populated with a value from the Loss Description Code List. | |
LossMemo | Recommended | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> | Required | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <EstimatorIDs> | Recommended | |
<OriginalEstimatorID> | Recommended | |
<CurrentEstimatorID> | Recommended | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo> | Required | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo> / <VINInfo> | Recommended | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo> / <VINInfo> / <VIN> | Required; <VinAvailablityCode> or <VIN> is required when using <VINInfo>. It is recommended to populate <VINInfo> in this example. | |
VINNum | Required | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo> / <License> | Recommended | |
<LicensePlateNum> | Recommended | |
<LicensePlateStateProvince> | Recommended; must be populated with a value from the State Province Code List. | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo> / <VehicleDesc> | Recommended | |
<ModelYear> | Recommended | |
<MakeCode> | Recommended | |
<MakeDesc> | Recommended | |
<ModelName> | Recommended | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo> / <VehicleDesc> / <OdometerInfo> | Recommended | |
<OdometerInd> | Required | |
<OdometerReading> | Recommended | |
<OdometerReadingMeasure> | Recommended; must be populated with a value from the Unit of Measure Code List. | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo> / <VehicleDesc> / <VehicleOptions> | Recommended | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo> / <VehicleDesc> / <VehicleOptions> / <Option> | Required, Repeating | |
<OptionCode> | Required, must be populated with a value from the Options Code List. | |
<OptionDesc> | Recommended | |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo> / <Condition> | Recommended | |
<DrivalbeInd> | Recommended |
Master Code List
Code List are identified in the Type Column with Open Enum or Closed Enum in the Data Dictionary. For a list of all the codes, please use the Data Dictionary and the Master Code List.
Code List | Value | Description |
BMS Version | 6.4.0 | Version of BMS |
Document Type | A | The Type of message the transaction is providing; A - Vendor Damage Assignment |
Vendor Code | O | Using O in this example for Other |
Document Version Code | EM | EM is for Original |
Policy Type | PL | The Type of policy; PL - Personal Auto Policy |
Loss Description | 04 | Identifies how the loss occurred; 04 - Insured struck claimant - Intersection |
State Providence | CA | CA - California, other State Providence codes are used within Admin Info but not referenced here because they are under <AdminInfo> |
Unite of Measure | DH | DH - Miles |
Option Code | AC PL PW | Provides codes to identify the options of the vehicle that are all categorized (Accessories, Audio, Battery, Safety and Security) are a few. AC - Air Conditioning, PL - Power Door Locks, PW - Power Windows. |